Cannoli is working hard on not picking things up in her mouth (our poor remote) and thinking it is a game when we ask her to drop it.
She is coming along really well and most of the time will listen.

She is mesmerized by the Christmas lights and twinkly lights are her favourite. They keep her entertained for quite a few minutes. She cocks her head from side to side trying to figure out how those lights switch off and on. We have full confidence that she will figure it out. She is smart like that!

Submitted By: Rod and Crystal Carle

Cannoli is doing well on her “wait” followed by an “out” stepping forward just before we do. Her “go throughs” are coming along as is her “stand”.

She loves her off-leash walk at UBC, and is very good with new and unusual stimuli at stores (e.g., Christmas decorations at her level). She also was interested in us decorating in our living room, but other than some exploratory sniffs has left the artificial tree and hanging stockings alone.

She has been to the YMCA a few times and is good with her “sit” and “down” duration.

Submitted By: Joan Foster and Jonathan Kline