DAX has returned to Burnaby and the Lower Mainland to start a medical hold for the next 2-3 months. Dax has been recovering well from his health situation in late 2019 and will spend the next few months completing the required treatment. Once he has completed all necessary treatments, Dax will be reassessed by the training department and the very capable medical professionals that support all PADS dogs. Dax is a big lovable goofball and has captured the hearts of staff and volunteers in Burnaby. Thank you to Team Dax and PADS community of volunteers and Puppy Program staff for supporting Dax during his time off!

  • Skills being learned: Maintaining public access manners and basic obedience with advanced training sitters.
  • Advanced training location: Vancouver – Lower Mainland
  • Potential career path: Medical Hold

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Dax!

Submitted by: Advanced Instructor Rob Mackay & Training Programs Manager Margaret Hicks