Desi has adjusted well to being in a busy family of six with four active teenagers! She loves people and will try to wind herself around and through their legs… much like a cat! We’re working on developing more confidence in Desi, as she tends to be a bit anxious and to get her confidence from people. She’s a sweet, loving girl!

Desi enjoyed a number of competitive soccer provincials tournaments in August – travelling to Lethbridge and Edmonton for the weekend. She was well-loved, as seen in the photo of soccer girls giving her love!


At the end of August, Desi was introduced to the Kindergarten kids who are in the class where Desi will spend every Tuesday & Thursday for the full day for the next year! She got a bit over-excited but responded well to going to her bed to take a little break.

Desi is already beloved and official classes haven’t even started! More school updates to come!

Submitted By: Dana Stephenson