Norris enjoyed a holiday season filled with daily trips to the park where he practised his loose leash walking, off-leash recall and walking off-leash at his raiser’s side.
Norris graduated this month from Puppy Kindergarten and will start Beginner class in January 2020. He is working on ‘down’, ‘bed’, ‘go in’ and targeting a perch with front paws, and a bowl or cone with his nose.
Norris is hesitant when learning at new skill but once he is confident of what is expected he finds the game fun and engaging.
While Norris enjoys meeting other dogs during his outings, he is most interested in greeting other people! He is learning that when he is working (in vest) he must not interrupt his work with impulsive visits but rather can only visit when cued.
Norris is a true ‘creature of comfort’ whose two favorite activities are sleeping and cuddles. He fills his volunteer raisers’ home with a great deal of love!
Submitted By: Kara Crawford