What a great month this has been!! I mean – did you see the snow!! Wasn’t it fantastic!!
At first I didn’t know what it was and if I should be afraid of it, eating it or playing with it – so I did all three!! I was very sad to see it all disappear – although my hooman thinks I’m crazy.
Speaking of crazy, my hooman is taking me to his gym almost 3 times a week now – and you should see the crazy things he does. It makes him all sweaty and red in the face!! So I mostly try to just relax, stay in my down position and pretend that he’s not embarrassing me!!
It must have worked, because as a treat I got to spend a couple of evenings with a new hooman this month. My raiser said something about needing a break – but it was all fun and games for me! When I came back I slept for almost 24 hours straight!!
I’m looking out the window now – are we going to get more snow – I sure hope so!!