Raise a Puppy! Change a Life!

When you first get your bundle of puppy cuteness, you don’t realize that the first life changed is your own life – and all for the better.

I started co-raising PADS Cadence in February 2016, I think it was.  Since I have been involved in PADS, I have met fantastic new people, participated in new experiences, and watched so many people smile because of the puppy at my side.

People often tell me that they don’t have time to raise a puppy, and I let them know that I have volunteered in many ways: as a puppy sitter, a co-raiser to a puppy, a full-time raiser, and now a raiser of puppies that move to sister organizations at 4 months old.

I helped to raise PADS Cadence, who was eventually chosen to be a breeding dog.  She was a delight to raise, and she made a difference to so many of my students, long before her career path was chosen.  Since Cadence, I have helped raise and sit many puppies – including one of Cadence’s girls Denali!

You join because you adore puppies, but then you become part of the PADS village and part of the village in a puppy’s life. You meet the clients and realize just how important these assistance dogs are.

Ken and Riddle at PADS Grad in 2013


All PADS assistance dogs are provided to clients at no cost. Behind each and every success story is a donor who makes this possible.

Tell us your PADS story

We are still accepting stories for our 30 Stories for 30 Years series. Whether you have volunteered, received a dog as a client or adopter, given of your time, money or heart… you are part of the PADS story!  Tell us how being involved with PADS has impacted you.