Personal story – this is for those of you at PADS who know us. We want you to know how much the experience of being a PADS raiser has meant to us.
About seven years ago we were in a great period of transition; jobs were changing and our hopes of having a family were dashed by illness and long adoption waiting lists. While out walking one day, we spotted a woman walking a yellow lab with a bright yellow cape. We saw the PADS logo and started talking about what it would be like to give back to the community like that.
Determined to learn all about the program we quickly signed up to go to a volunteer information session. About halfway through the presentation I turned to my spouse and I vehemently said, “We are doing this”. He wisely knew not to argue.
A few weeks later, PADS Lionel, of the Gamble 100 litter, was given to us. It was love at first sight. He was a lovely little puppy and the whole neighbourhood was enchanted. Every task we did with Lionel in tow took three times as long as everyone wanted to meet him. We became dog people! We met so many new people at PADS and while out and about as volunteers. Lionel did not make it as a service dog as he was diagnosed with elbow dysplasia around his first birthday but he was a life changing dog for us. He was my service dog, helping me transition into a new phase of my life.
We are now on dog number four and look forward to many more wonderful fur-filled experiences to come.
Congratulations on 30 years and thank you for everything.