I began volunteering at PADS in the Spring of 2009. After recovering from an illness and the loss of my father, I was looking for something to do. A friend who was a Breeder Caretaker said, “how about puppy cuddling?” I thought “I could puppy cuddle”. She told me about PADS and I immediately called them.
Unfortunately, no positions were open for puppy cuddling, however, the Advanced Kennel had openings. I went for an orientation and in the Spring of 2009 I began working Sunday afternoon in the kennel.
I remember being there on the first Father’s Day after loosing my father. There I was, sitting on the floor of the Advanced Kennel with Poppy, now working at Canuck Place, with her head on my lap. It helped ease the pain at the loss of my father.
Shortly after starting at the Advanced Kennel, I began sitting. Many of the dogs I sat were from the Advanced Kennel. While volunteering, I saw what great work PADS does. Seeing a dog placed with a client and witnessing their bond brought me so much joy. I had looked after many of the dogs that were now working, Jenga, Piper, Tibet, Jaguar, Laird, Einstein, Orbital, Orion, Santini, and many more whose names I cannot recall.
One day, I received a call to ask if I could sit a dog from the Advanced Kennel. In February of 2011, I picked up a beautiful Black Lab named Pacer. In June, I was informed Pacer was going to be released. I inquired about adopting her. In July, I adopted her on her 2nd birthday.
Pacer was the 13th dog I sat. Lucky 13 I say. She is still with me and brings many smiles at my Mom’s independent seniors residence.
When I began volunteering at PADS I never thought I would adopt a dog. I am so thankful for my time as a volunteer at PADS. I learned a great deal about this wonderful organization. To this day, I sing praises of the work they do. I also learned the responsibility of caring for a dog. Thank you, PADS. Keep doing the great work you and your volunteers do. Congratulations on 30 years.