

I received PADS Accredited Facility Dog Milan in July of 2016. The work that she does with my clients and the enormous impact that she has had on my workplace goes with out saying. She is exactly as advertised.

However, Milan has also had a great impact on me, as before she came along I was actively looking for another job. I ended up not getting a job that I had thought was perfect for me; a job that would have given me a level of leadership and responsibility that I was looking for. What Milan has given me is passion, not for my job but for her and dogs like her.

I have always wanted to be one of those people that can effortlessly get up in front of a room full of people and talk about something that moves them, which in turn moves others. This is Milan’s gift to me.

Help Support Teams Like Vivian & Milan

All PADS assistance dogs are provided to clients at no cost. Behind each and every success story is a donor who makes this possible.

Tell us your PADS story

We are still accepting stories for our 30 Stories for 30 Years series. Whether you have volunteered, received a dog as a client or adopter, given of your time, money or heart… you are part of the PADS story!  Tell us how being involved with PADS has impacted you.