Valentino has just turned 6 months old, and a new collar and a larger vest were required to mark this milestone. As a puppy raiser, I just love the Spring, Summer, and Fall outdoor events. Calgary has so many things to offer that provide huge training opportunities.

Well, we have been busy attending all the Brookfield downtown fundraising events. Valentino really got some great polite greeting practice in at Petfest in April so was well and truly ready for Brookfield. As one of the youngest pups there, he was on form and ready to give and receive puppy love, whilst I did my best to advocate for Puppy Raisers and promote PADS.

Our second big event was at Heritage Park for the Student Police Academy. This was a day of meeting possible future Police Officers and explaining the job of Tinos big sister Callie, who works as an AFD for VAST at CPS. Tino got to sit in big tanks, and was a fab day all around.

I always like to mention something about the ever-changing weather and with it, the training opportunities. Early one evening, it was raining cats and dogs and my husband said, you should take Tino out as he has never experienced rain. Well, coming from England, I wasn’t too happy, but agreed, it should be done. The rain did not phase Tino, but the amplified noise of the traffic did create curiosity, and he was aware this was a new sound not experienced before.

Tino is becoming more and more goofy and definitely has the retrieve genes. One morning, he surprised me by picking up my pair of slippers and putting them on my lap, and a favourite is bringing Steve his socks for work and the TV remotes. He holds them ever so gently, and when you say drop it, he does.

Such a smart puppy and an absolute joy to puppy raise.

Submitted by: Isy