
Tracker has switched careers from being a stud in our Breeding Program to joining our Advanced Training! During the first week of Advanced Training, he spent time at the Burnaby campus, where he was assessed. He is a goofy and energetic boy, but he also showed off all his impressive skills and eagerness to learn. At the end of the week, he was attuned to his primary handler and ready to work.

Tracker is currently out with a long-term sitter, awaiting till a trainer’s spot is open for him to join them. The long-term sitter has been given both general and customized homework for Tracker to help him grow and learn. Tracker is in downtown Vancouver, experiencing the exciting life of going to work in an office and exploring the busy streets of Vancouver. His long-term sitter will work with Tracker on his dog distraction, tightening up on his obedience skills and giving him endless cuddles!

Thank you to everyone who has helped Tracker get to this point in his career!

We’re so grateful for your support of Advanced Dog Tracker and for helping us achieve our goals.

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Leurie, Kennel Coordinator