
Shah arrived from BC at the end of May and has settled in beautifully! He joined PADS Morley and PADS Teddy and became fast friends with them. We bid farewell to Teddy towards the end of the month as he entered Advanced Training. This made room for PADS Bruno to come back while he waits for his client. Shah takes the change in stride and is always down for a play session with whichever dog is available.

Shah is an enthusiastic learner and is always the first to head downstairs to our training area. He bounces into his cap when shown and loves our training sessions. Since he is going to be a big guy, we are moving on between sit, down and stand with proper mechanics. He is working on moving around a perch pot and luring into a heel and side. Getting him familiar with these positions will help his movement as he grows. Shah quickly learned his name, it’s your choice and gentle cookie. That being said, his favourite time of day is when he goes into this kennel! He will run down the hallway and tap dance in front of his kennel until the door is open. Of all the puppies that I have raised, he is by far the most content to be in his kennel.

I have no doubt Shah has a bright future, and I am excited to see him grow and mature! This coming month, we will be volunteering at the Willow Park Charity Golf Tournament. I expect Shah will be a fan favourite due to his loving personality, squishy face and ridiculously long ears.

Submitted by: Stephanie