
Zuko’s month has been full of training, playing and growing! He has been working on his off-leash skills and his recall. He loves to run back to us for his “puppy puppy” recall. Zuko enjoys getting out on the trails, and he does very well off-leash, but sometimes another dog can be just too distracting!

A first for Zuko this month was a trip to Whistler. We had guests from Ontario who we took with us. Zuko loved having new people around and adjusted easily to new surroundings in Whistler. He was a great ambassador for PADS as we walked through the village where many people stopped to chat about him!

Zuko has gotten together with some other PADS puppies this month for a walk and romp. Zuko had a blast! A bath was required afterwards and then a nap in the sun.

Submitted by: Ellen Ayer