Hello, PADS Village!! Has it really been another month already?? I can’t tell sometimes – I’m having sooo much fun that the days just speed by.
I gotta tell you though, – I am one lucky PADS dog. My hooman has been travelling a lot. And even though I really miss him when he’s gone, it means I get to spend time with a sitter. And PADS has the best sitters ever!!
This month, I got to spend some time with some other dogs – which was way cool and a good learning experience for me – and with some cats!! Whoa – are they ever weird!!! And the sitters took me to school so I could spend some time with the kids. It was a hug-fest!!
All that, and I’m still learning too. My duration exercises are getting better and better, I know the difference between “here”, “heel’ and “side”, and my hooman tells everyone that I am a pleasure to walk, even inside shopping malls and those funny casinos with all the lights and bells.
Yeah – it’s been a great month. But now it’s snooze time!!!
Submitted by: Kevin