
Calvin has been actively participating in many UBC events this month. He began February by joining the UBC dentistry event, where he settled on his mat with his mentor, PADS Taj. He enjoyed receiving lovely pats from everyone and is starting to show his calm personality, even though he still has his spicy look most of the time.

When off duty, Calvin has a wonderful time playing with his friends PADS Taj and Casper at Acadia Beach near school. He loves observing patches of sand and seaweed floating on the water but is still hesitant to swim with the other puppies.

Highlights of the Month:

– Calvin appeared in a CBC interview about how certified assistance dogs support people with disabilities. Despite being only three months old, he was remarkably comfortable and calm in the new environment.

– He has participated in numerous events, including the Dentistry Collab, Photography Collab, and many other club activities. He consistently listens well to hissitandpuppy-puppycues.

– Everyone has come to know hisspicypersonality, and his shark teeth are noticeable!

– Calvin had a Valentine’s Day photo taken during a club meeting. Wearing a heart bandana, he looked very happy to be with his friends PADS Casper and Taj.

Submitted by: Stephanie