Valentino and I have had a more relaxed month. He thoroughly enjoyed having PADS Asti stay, and a younger dog to burn off energy with.
With the schools being closed, there have been no visits, but we have been to the Children’s and Foothills with my big sister Callie.
I am working really hard on the sit, down, stand cues, and after struggling at Puppy class (think he was just too excited to see all his friends), today he nailed it, and what a great start to the day.
We went to Fishcreek, and Tino enjoyed swimming and he is a very proficient swimmer now and even puts his head right under.
He spent a few days with Auntie Chantelle, as we had an open house, and his report card was amazing. I guess, as raisers, especially newer ones, we question our own abilities to have these puppies ready for the next step in their journey.
I will remember the words from Nicole in class last week. She said that as long as your dog can do these six things, the advanced trainers are happy, and any more is a welcome bonus.
For anyone who missed it, these are the six words:
I never thought of it before, but I saw Chantel with Tino at an empty kid’s play structure. He crossed the wobbly bridge like a pro, so I’ll be on the lookout for more suitable play parks.
Finally, we have been enjoying the trails and cooling off in the crystal-clear water at Elbow Falls.
All in all, a slower but productive month, fine-tuning skills and learning new ones. I can’t quite believe that he is 9 months already and I hope the next 9 go slower, as this Valant Valentino has captured my heart.
Submitted by: Isy