
This month, Tope decided that she would like to try skills other than focusing on mobility skills. She is now exploring the skills and career of being a PTSD dog! She is keen on learning these new skills, such as being able to nudge her person as an interrupter skill. Aside from the new skills, Tope has been working diligently on settling in and waiting for her turn to work in the training centre. Overall, she has been improving on reeling her emotions in, but there are times that she needs the support of a Treat & Train. A big accomplishment this month for Tope is that she conquered a huge lunch outing at Lougheed Mall with tons of dogs! Good job, Tope!

We’re so grateful for your support of Advanced Dog Tope and for helping us achieve our goals.

Recent Field Trips: Lougheed Mall, PetSmart, Robert Burnaby Park

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Jade, Instructors Assistant