
Hi Folks,

Wowsers, September blew into the Okanagan with a very cool wind. We still have lots of adventures, but the “dog days” of August are g-o-n-e!! And what does that even mean? At my house, I am lucky, and every day is a “dog day”.

Last week we went to the market where they had s-o-o-o many little orange thingys. Plus I did a “perch” beside a great big one to try and see what the heck it was. My people said to just wait until October, and I will see what they are for.

I’ve been to Rona, Home Depot and Costco because I am walking so well and paying really good attention. They had some spooky things at Home Depot, but they didn’t scare me!!

We’ve also been going for walks around our neighbourhood and to the Mall when it’s cool. This great big guy was looking at me, but my peeps said he’s lucky if you rub his tummy. I must be really lucky because I’ve been getting tummy rubs right from the beginning.

I usually have a weekly playdate with PADS Tzar, and boy, do we have a lot of fun, running and tumbling. Tzar is still taller than me, but I hope to catch up soon.

Now that Fall is here, I have a new favourite spot in the kitchen. Right beside the oven, when dinner is cooking, there is warm air blowing down on me, and I really love that, plus, it really smells good. Sometimes, early in the morning, when it’s still cool in the house, my adopted mom will turn it on just for me so I can get warm and cozy.

Well, that’s my news for this month, but did I tell you I am almost a teenager? I am six months old now and almost 60 pounds. I’ve been such a good boy recently, but my trainer told my peeps that might change soon when I am full of teenage beans. I wonder what that means, but I guess we’ll see, huh?

Submitted by: Caryl McCabe