Patty’s new experiences continued this month, including her first restaurant outing, lots of Christmas markets (where she was very popular), and even a delicious, smelling butcher shop. She also had her first bus ride, it was a bit bumpy, but she wasn’t scared at all and tucked in next to our seats. We kept her occupied with some ‘calm cookie’ as she’s a very energetic cookie.

She would get fussy in her x pen, and then we discovered that she loves to look out the window. We moved it next to our window, and now she’ll often gaze meditatively at the world outside. It sometimes even leads to a wee nap full of loud snoring. She’s very energetic and definitely a bit of a land shark who doesn’t enjoy being cuddled. Imagine our surprise when one sleepy evening, she chose to come and cuddle in our lap! Which is now becoming a semi-regular evening routine. She’s so sweet (when not a tooth tornado), and we look forward to many more cuddles.

 Submitted by: Livia & Lachlan