Welcome to 2025 Patty! December saw a lot of disturbances as our building is undergoing large updates. Patty has handled it all like a champ, from elevators covered in cardboard, floors wrapped in saran, and walking through and around debris and scaffolding. She’s a brave little girl. And popular too, the workers all know her by now and make sure to warn any new workers that she’s in training and not to be petted. Which is really hard when you’re this cute.
The new experiences to end off the year also include her first trail walk followed by a bath and Skytrain rides. The train is a bit scary at first, but she settles in after a few minutes. She loves to sleep stretched fully out, oozing slowly towards us. She’s still technically on the bed, right? She’s also started teething but some frozen toys help a lot. We all look forward to 2025 with less razor-sharp teeth.
Submitted by: Livia & Lachlan