This January pupdate includes a glance at December, which was routine for Rimbey, but extremely hectic for her humans.

Rimbey settled quickly into her routine after our long trip to Japan. A typical day includes watching her humans play tennis, a diner breakfast, puppy skills training, naps and walks. Rimbey continues to refine her skills. Her gentle, friendly nature wins hearts everywhere we go. We managed to avoid the kennel cough that swept PADS. PADS staff were very thorough in cleaning our training facility, and the senior staff were very strict in isolation measures. I attended class without Rimbey as an added precaution.

Rimbey was considered for the PADS breeding program. Her DNA test results had been delayed due to the postal strike. We just learned that she is a carrier of a gene for copper toxicosis, which excludes her from being a PADS breeder. She is scheduled to begin advanced training in May. We’re very curious about where Rimbey will eventually end up, but we’re sure she’ll be an amazing asset for a lucky client.

With placement approaching, we are trying to polish Rimbey’s skills to ease her transition. PADS Calgary is going through a transition, and classes haven’t been as focused on the advanced puppies. Lately, Rimbey has been more distracted. It might also be the “teenage phase” that we’ve heard so much about. Outside of class, Rimbey is much more herself. We will persevere.

Submitted by: Lynn