February seemed to fly by. Other than the very nasty cold snap, we have been enjoying leash walks in our new neighbourhood. We continue to work on stand, and we are making progress slowly but surely.

To celebrate Chinese New Year, we went on a field trip to T & T Food Market. Lots of new smells, with different produce, busy staff, and a new language. This definitely ignited some sensory interest.

We made a second appearance on Valentine’s Day at the senior’s tea party, and Tino lay very nicely in the middle with Callibri.

To wrap up February, we sat at the side of a swimming pool, leashed, and calmly watched the swimmers and lifeguards. We wandered around the center to see the gym and exercise rooms.

We are both looking forward to Spring/Summer, as well as, all the PADS Fundraising events in Calgary.

Submitted by:Β Isy