February was LOVE month. So I spent extra time playing with my bestest pupper friend. She’s a lot bigger than me still, and lets me wrestle with her. She also likes to let me chase her around the yard. But if she wants a break, she runs up on this big, round thing that’s bouncy. Her hooman calls it a trampoline. It’s scary, so I don’t even try to follow her. I just wait till she comes down like the good pupper I am.

The white fluffy stuff disappeared, but so did the hard, tasty treats it left behind. I think it was called ICE, super yummy and crunchy. I’m still working on my settles, and now I have a Treat & Train to help me with this. So far, so good, as I’m not gonna say no to food.

Walking is still my favourite, and there are sooooo many other puppers, and their hooman’s about. But I’ve been told I need to learn to control the happiness I feel at meeting all the new people and the ones I’ve already met. It’s hard, but I think I can do it. I’m smart and want to learn. If I keep going and work hard, I’m going to be the super-duper working pup I know I am.

Thanks for reading my pupdate! Until next month and its new adventures.

Submitted by: Tiffany P.


Photos below…

Submitted by: Kristin, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter