February turned out to be a very, very busy month for me. That’s because I got to go to a mall (all the humans wore masks and kept their distance). It was to show one of the advanced trainers all the stuff I’ve learned in puppy class (the humans called it an assessment). Then it SNOWED mid-month, which was really exciting while it lasted. I also got to spend a few days with a puppy sitter, which is always super fun and exciting.
After my assessment, my human got a special plan for stuff to work on with me. So I had to work on that stuff AND still do all my class homework. I continued to learn how to shake a paw and worked on my roll (I had to learn how to roll onto both sides, which wasn’t easy, let me tell you). Then did a bunch of work on my perch and hind end targeting (putting my back feet up on a platform). Phew! It told you it was a busy month!
Submitted by: Tessa Matsuzaki