Nancy Kemble

The 2019 Juanita Valentine award goes to Nancy Kemble, someone who simply adores PADS. Nancy wears her heart on her sleeve and can induce a “PADS cold” at almost every PADS event. PADS is Nancy Kemble’s heart.  

We love Nancy’s caring nature but what we most respect is her quest for excellence. Nancy’s steely determination is a beautiful balance of giving appreciation and graciously calling us to task when she knows that we can do better for the organization and our clients. She has been unwavering in her support to PADS management and staff and for that we are very thankful.  She continues to support us and sit on the board from her new home in London, Ontario.  

Nancy, thank you for your leadership, your determination and your love…and for inventing the PADS Cold! We love you and miss you, Nancy!