
FISCHER loves to be busy and working and can settle when asked so he can rest up for the next task. He sometimes finds the environment a bit too exciting and will want to disengage to explore and sniff, so we are working on building our value and rapport with him and so far, so good!

  • Skills being learned: Practice of foundations and potential skills
  • Recent field trips: 6th & 6th, Lougheed Mall, Cariboo Dam, New Westminster Quay, Costco
  • Possible behavior challenges: Holding a duration stand, olfactory distraction, dog distraction, ball drive, potential scavenging when handler out of sight
  • Advanced training location: Burnaby
  • Potential career path: Assistance Dog

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Fischer!

Submitted by: Team Burnaby – Ashley, Jessica, Emma & Margaret