This was a busy month, Especially toward the end! One important day was Sept 28, National Truth and Reconciliation Day. I got to attend an event at UBC where I was on my best behaviour! I even was allowed to greet and snuggle with attendees, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I managed to remember my lessons about keeping all “4 on the floor” and was rewarded with some lovely snuggles. The next day was another big one for me! I attended my first Walk & Talk with class instructor Tracy! Mom was kinda nervous, but I remembered most of my lessons and showed off my nice calm energy and (mostly) kept my leash nice and loose. I discovered a slight aversion to height and scary edges when we moved to the 2nd floor of the mall. But mom said we’re going to take it slow and keep practicing until I feel more comfortable. I’m 6 months old now, and I’m starting to look more like an adult dog than a puppy. My legs are still growing like weeds, but I don’t think I’m going to be quite the giant beast everyone thought when I was a little baby. I just like to keep everyone on their toes!

Submitted by: Emma Hedman