October had its highs and lows. Iโ€™ve been having a great time with my new kitten! Iโ€™ve been teaching him to play gently, and Iโ€™m told that Iโ€™m pretty good at that. He still likes to play with my tail, and Iโ€™m still very patient about it. Then I had to go to the doggy hospital for a day. Iโ€™m not sure why but I heard that my brothers had to have the same surgery. Ouch! I didnโ€™t love wearing a cone, but I did get extra treats and snuggles, and Iโ€™m all better now. Halloween was fun! People kept knocking at our door, and then I would get treats for going to my bed. I canโ€™t wait until next Halloween!ย 

Submitted by:ย Susan Wickhamย ย