
Meet Queenie, an Accredited Facility Dog (AFD) who uses her natural cuddling talents—and love of bringing people new toys—to spread joy to those who need it most.

Queenie came to PADS from Eyes Ears Nose and Paws through our partnership with the Assistance Dogs International Breeding Cooperative (ABC). She landed in the Lower Mainland where she stayed throughout Puppy-Raising and Advanced Training.

Queenie was raised by Joanna who describes her as a pup who brought smiles to everyone she met, including the dementia unit where Jo’s dad lives. Queenie’s natural talent of bringing joy to those around her mixed with her calm demeanour made her an excellent AFD candidate. Throughout Advanced Training, she worked hard with her Trainer and her Advanced Sitter, Ellen, to refine her obedience and learn task specific skills that would help her in her role to come.

Throughout her time in training Queenie was sponsored by Christopher Green and her AFD Team is sponsored by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

Queenie's Pupdates

To read more about Queenie’s journey throughout puppy-raising, check out her Pupdates below.

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