Cashew had a mixed December. His raiser got sick, and that wasn’t much fun for Cashew, but he was a wonderful nurse checking in on everyone and giving lots of cuddles and smiles. Cashew was ready for some fun once everyone was back on their feet!
We went out to have some off-leash time in the snow. Cashew’s absolute favorite! He had a blast ripping around and rolling in the snow.
Cashew also had the pleasure of meeting a tiny 9-week old PADS Parker from the Avenger’s Litter. It was impossibly cute. Cashew was very excited and didn’t understand why Parker didn’t want to play!
Cashew had a great Christmas. He got a new expert-level puzzle. He loves to work if there is food involved. He’s still working out how to get kibble from some puzzle sections, but he has mastered the border.
Cashew is currently working on “spin” in puppy class, which is going great! And as always, we are continuing to work on our manners and loose leash walking. He’s definitely in adolescence, but that hasn’t stopped him from being the sweetest goofiest little guy!
Submitted by: Megan