From Raiser Adele: Loki has grown so much this month, both physically and in terms of training. He has learned to do a great tuck sit and is great at checking in often when going on outings. He has developed confidence when going on walks and is very eager to learn. He absolutely loves meeting new people and wants to play with everyone and every dog he meets. So dog distraction and the right way to “go say hi” are something to focus on in training! He is also great at sleeping through the night, and the last couple of days didn’t even bark to be let out of his kennel in the mornings! Lots of good progress for sure. 

From Loki: HIIII EV-WEE-ONE! I am loving my life right now and eating loads of food. My secret trick is my unrelentlessly adorable puppy eyes that I use on everyone but mostly my raiser because who can resist my cutie puppers’ eyes??? I love meeting new humans and dogs, and I love it when my raiser tells me to sit because that means FOOD! IS! COMING! overall, everyone tells me I am the sweetest and goodest boy ever, and I don’t know what that means, but I think it’s a good thing:) 

Submitted by: Adele