Wow, what a month I had. I’ve done so much with my humans. I got to try kayaking & I did pretty good too. I didn’t fall into the water. My humans are so proud of me. They took me to Harrison where I got to check out so much stuff and walk on different things. I’ve been practising my paws up on different stuff like a closed toilet in an outhouse. I went to White Rock, walked on the beach and tried my best to avoid the water. I’m not ready to get my paws wet. Water is too cold.

I’ve even been hearing all these weird noises, which don’t bother me. One of them being a train. Babies & little kids crying don’t bug me either. I’m getting so good at walking with my humans but dogs can kinda’ distract me. I’ve gotten better at ignoring people when they walk by.

I’m really learning to stay in my kennel more. My humans have been able to leave me alone in it for about 2 hours and I’ve been so good too. I get to relax and sleep while they’re out. It’s so peaceful. At night time I go to bed in the kennel but I start to get restless very early. Around 5am I think. Then I start to move around noisily in it and sometimes whine a bit too. I guess I need to learn to be more quiet. Oh, and one last thing, I lost two teeth a couple days ago.

Submitted by: Monika Dunphy