
What a month this has been. I am getting used to a new home with Patrick and Barb, and we have had all sorts of adventures. I got to go to the hairdresser with them, which was exhausting, so I came home and had a long nap. 

We have been to lots of places for coffee and lunch, and the other people at the restaurants say they didn’t even know there was a dog under the table. I guess that means I am doing a good job. Last night we went out for dinner, and I was especially good cuz it was Barb’s birthday, and I wanted to be on my best behaviour. Yesterday we went to a puppy park, and I got to play with other dogs. We didn’t stay too long though cuz; it was hot, but it sure was fun.

Last weekend we went to class in a lovely park with other pups, and I really enjoyed it. Today I was out on the deck with Patrick, but a nasty fly was bothering me, so I went under his chair. That fixed the problem right away. 

Barb says I am a good boy and that I learn really quickly.

Submitted by: Barb Dunn