Hi it’s Quinn here. I’ve had a busy month. My humans’ family came from England and we did a lot of day trips. We went to White Rock Beach for ice cream, Whistler, Stanley Park, and a whole bunch of other places. Sometimes it was very noisy and busy but my human said I was great. My human said I went into heat but it only lasted one day so we are still on alert. So I wasn’t allowed to go to any off leash parks. I now weigh 60lbs and I’m getting very strong. My human said I am so gentle with the grandkids. They are very funny little humans but I do really love them . I often pick them up from school but can only play when we are home cause mum says that when my cape is on I can’t say hello; I’m sooo good at that and I always get an extra treat for doing so well. Anyway I have to go for my walk now. Have a lovely day.
Submitted by: Susan Bhogal