Sheen turned 4 months old on October 1st. The first half of the month was great for the paper towel industry as Sheen just hadn’t got the hang of where and when to pee. By mid-month, he had gotten it figured out.
His training is going well because he is one smart cookie. Sheen loves to cuddle on the floor for some puppy yoga after a long day of working on his sits and stays, and his favourite place is his kennel for a good night’s sleep.
When not working on being the best, he loves to have some fun at Pacific Spirit with the other pooches. His best friend in the building is Blue, a Cane Corso Italian Mastiff. He is the most gentle boy for his size, and Sheen absolutely loves seeing him.
Sheen is looking forward to losing more of his puppy teeth in November and growing and growing and growing.
Submitted by: JP / Katie