Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Taylor II! This month has been very festive, and Taylor has had a lot of public outings in preparation for Christmas. She is picking up alerting to sounds quickly and is starting to work on discriminating between them. We have introduced a phone alert and continue to work and proof the fire alarm. Taylor also had a chance to spend Christmas with her puppy raiser and take some time off work which was nice and relaxing for her (although she was very eager to return to work!).

  • Skills being learned: alerts for sounds, general obedience
  • Recent field trips: West Edmonton Mall, Superstore, Home Depot, PetSmart
  • Possible behaviour challenges: Distracted by sights and smells in her environment
  • Advanced training location: Calgary

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Taylor II!

Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer