
Findlay would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season! She is a big fan of the snowy weather we’ve been having. She loves crashing through deep snow on our hikes and warming up in a big cuddle puddle of dogs at home. Findlay continues to be an enthusiastic learner and a joy to train. She has a lot of tries and is getting better at figuring out when she should be “on” and ready vs when it’s time to relax and take a nap when out in public.   

  • Skills being learned:  Stand, practicing Wait-Go Through, stationing and taking turns 
  • Recent field trips: Canadian Tire, grocery stores  
  • Possible behavior challenges: Confidence/resilience, impulse control  
  • Advanced training location: West Coast (Satellite)

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Findlay!

Submitted by: Emma, Advanced Trainer