
This was a busy month with all of the Christmas things going on! I spent time at the hockey arena, as usual. We also had a tree in the house with lights and ornaments! I was pretty good with the tree and tried to remember that everything was supposed to stay on the tree. But sometimes, the ribbon and this toque ornament were too cute to resist. If I took them off, I was quick to give them back when asked, as the month went on, I learned it was something I was supposed to ignore. I also spent time at the malls Christmas shopping. I did really well with all of the people and busyness.

Then PADS Taylor ll came to visit for a few days over Christmas! She was lots of fun! We had lots of fun playing, but then we would go to our beds to rest. She helped me understand that when we were on our beds, we were to relax and it wasn’t playtime. I figured it out pretty quickly.

We did work on my loose leash walking, stand, and perch this month, too.

Submitted by: Melanie Bailey