Hey PADS Pups!! Wow – so what a month that was!! Do those hoomans know how to party or what??!! It seemed like it was non-stop dinners and parties and events. And they all seemed to include food (with some special frozen kong treats for me) and wine (which my hooman wouldn’t share!!!). And then we had snow!!! How exciting was that??!! I was exhausted by the time it was all over.
But like my hooman says – “it’s not all fun and games”!!! Even though we didn’t go to a lot of classes this month, we still did some training almost every day. Did I mention that one of my favourite things to do with my hooman is to visit his gym and then the local mall?? Both places are full of people and noises, and there are lots of starting and stopping. But once I get used to it, they can be pretty relaxing places. I can usually have a nap at the gym. And there’s always something new to smell at the grocery store. We passed a tree there that I thought was pretty interesting, but before I could sniff too long, my hooman lured me away!!! And my hooman thought the mall would be a cool place for me to start working on “duration”!!
Submitted by: Kevin