Hello, my name is Bagel and boy, do I love summer. My raiser really tries to focus on the work-life balance over the summertime. Work hard, play hard! We have done so many new and exciting things this summer! We went paddleboarding a couple of times, and my balance is getting much better! Bridgit has also taken me to see horses!
I have also been working so hard! I go to work with Bridgit every day and act like a perfect little angel! I lay right beside her all day, but sometimes I end up snoozing off and wake up to everyone laughing at my loud snoring! This month we had a few office parties, and Bridgit made sure I was dressed properly for the occasion! I have also been working on some new skills of my own, such as; sitting up straight, toileting on all kinds of different surfaces, and showing restraint. Bridgit keeps rewarding me with kibble and treats, so I am obviously doing great!
Submitted by: Bridgit Dettling