Lulu has had a very exciting month. She went on her very first airplane ride, and the flight attendants in both directions commented on her good behavior. She conducted herself well throughout the trip to Vancouver Island where she visited an accountant’s office and went to the bank. She found it a little chilly, however, and was relieved when I wrapped her in a blanket. On her return home, she raced around the house and rubbed herself all over her dog bed. It was obvious that she was thrilled to be home.
I was ill for the first part of the month, and I was surprised to find that Lulu was very nurturing and accepting that I was not able to take her out and about. Normally, she can be quite demanding of attention.
Lulu has learned new skills this month and continues to be eager to learn. She is becoming more patient with grooming tasks. Her weight has stabilized and she remains a beautiful dog.
Submitted by: Lesley