With a busy December and Christmas it was nice to start January with a more low-key-looking month ahead. Ensuring existing skills don’t slip and spending more time on ones she’s not a fan of, such as staying in a sit for longer periods.
We survived the intense -50 cold snap and luckily have an indoor facility close by for some fun, with some great agility equipment, the tunnel is her favourite by far.
For field trips we attended a presentation to AHS addiction services, the presentation was led by VAST at CPS with their PADS dogs Callie and Webber. We also joined a school class field trip to Youth Link, Callie loves her school visits and really enjoys her time with children and teens. For such a young dog she has the ability to understand when in the Children’s Hospital or other medical facilities, that she must remain more composed and respectful.
Finally, I received a message from Evelyn asking if I would be interested in taking a puppy and moving Miss Asti to Viv, an Advanced Raiser who happens to work in a school, one of Asti’s favourite places to be. I knew my time with Asti was at best a few more months so this really required some serious thinking. With the possibility of dogs with allergies now being considered for advanced training, it broke my heart, but totally made sense to move Asti over to Viv, to be in a school setting every day and show her worth. So with a heavy heart, Asti has joined Viv and her Pads family who I know will love her and be as invested in her progress just as much as myself and my family were. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for a very special little lady.
Asti, you were a joy to raise and I feel like you led me through my first experience as a puppy raiser. Thank You.
Submitted by: Isy