January brought a quieter start to the year for Nova III after a very busy Christmas break. But, it was a BIG month because Nova turned one. It has been fun to journey with this spicy pup as she shows us daily that she is eager to work and loves a good cuddle. She seems to still think she is a puppy and tries to sit on your lap when on the floor! She is especially cuddly with “her” baby human and loves to be where she is. She will even watch the baby monitor while Selah is sleeping! This earth has been blessed by a full year of Nova III.Β 

She continues to work on refining her cues and embarking on outings. A big outing this month was a class field trip to Ikea. It was quite the first adventure — so big, so many people, and so many dogs. She also enjoyed another mini vacation with her favourite sitter. πŸ™‚

Submitted by:Β Caleb Vanderleek & Ryleigh Jacobs