It was a busy month for Quiche with my district ProD day. There were lots of big crowds and being quiet for the speakers, walking the school halls and getting lots of attention. She rocked everything and was a great visible ambassador for PADS. Good thing we had that handy dandy QR code to share with people.
We also went to a women’s evening event at the church. Lots of romantic lights, balloons and music and again lots of attention. Back to some quieter events like the audiologist, physiotherapist and massage therapist… Quiche is making me more and more comfortable taking her ANYWHERE.
She’s getting her first eye exam today and getting babysat with another released PADS dog, Sondra. Apparently, they are getting along well both in playtime and settling down time. She’s an awesome, and very attractive little girl. So proud of her.
Submitted by: Sheila