Chelsea and the others have seen a video of me and they see how great I am. They see my ‘potential”. I didn’t know what ‘potential’ was and I was hoping it was something to eat.
I met Nicole who has Copper. Nicole said she had recently sat my mum Valentine. Nicole says my mum is her favourite PADS dog to sit – cuddly and gentle. Nicole said mum was just like me when mum was my age – and my mum was chosen specially to have me and the rest of the Terry Fox Litter. We are the best litter b/c we are named after the best guy in the whole world!!!
Nicole said because my mum is so great I have “potential” too! **I’m sharing pictures of me and my mum when we had a reunion when I was around 18 weeks old – that was a great visit.
They call me ‘Potential” while the people who say it look down in my eyes and smile and then they continue looking at me… why won’t they stop staring and PLAY?!
I think maybe they want some of my potential and I sniff around for it because I would surely share it with them if I could get my paws on some. Just like I continue to share prized items ( sometimes I have to improvise and grab a sock) first thing in the morning and after a peep comes home after being away for longer than a nap. In the morning I make the rounds to each of my three peeps no matter where they are in the house and give them the present. Chuck peep says it’s like Christmas every day.
Oh ya! Watching TV is my new hobby! Particularly when the dog channel is on. How the heck did they get in there?
Oh yes, early in February for some reason my peeps decided I had to wear these weird-looking pants for a while… how embarrassing! Oh well, at least they were in my favourite colour!
Submitted by: Charly Flesher