In March, Shadow learned how much fun puppy class and homework can be. One class took us on a field trip to Metrotown where Shadow and her classmates practiced walking through crowds (it was so busy!), riding elevators, and maintaining their cool. Our homework was to get together with another pup from class and settle in a public place. We invited PADS Maia and her raiser Alison for a loose leash walk followed by a visit to a local brewery. Shadow and Maia settled under the picnic table while their raisers caught up and enjoyed a cold drink.
Other outings included the Outdoor Show in Vancouver, a high school rugby game, lunches in a variety of restaurants and celebrating Nowruz and St Patrick’s Day.
Both Suzanne and Kailea make sure time is always made to get outside and enjoy the local trails. Shadow has great recall and enjoys running with her puppy friends.
Submitted by: Suzanne and Kailea