
April was a very eventful month for Cliff. He had a one-on-one with Evelyn and spent time with someΒ of theΒ advanced dogs at the PADS Training Centre. That same weekΒ weΒ took him for his neuter recheck at Macleod Trail Animal Hospital, and heΒ was givenΒ the all-clear to return toΒ normalΒ activity. We grabbed coffee and fancy donuts at Hey Sugar on the way home, and as always, Cliff was a big hit with everyone we met.

Cliff and I attended the PADS Brookfield Community Event at Fifth Avenue Place along with five other PADS dogs and their raisers.Β He was very excited by all of the activity but settled down quicklyΒ enjoyingΒ the adorationΒ that was showeredΒ on him by everyoneΒ thatΒ stopped by to say hello.Β We took a Calgary Transit bus downtown and back, and Cliff settled by my feet. No one even knew he was there until we got up to leave. While walking downtown, I took the opportunity to see how Cliff would handle sidewalk grating. He was very tentative while walking over them, but he did it. I was very proud of him as I’m not a fan of grates myself.

For two weeks mid-month, Cliff went to spend some time with a few other raisers to see how he would adapt to changes in his environment.Β He returned to us in the last week of the month to find thatΒ while he was away,Β PADS Blazer II moved in with us.Β HeΒ greeted this development with mixed feelingsΒ asΒ Blazer canΒ be a bit overwhelming at times.Β To give him a break from the puppy and show him that he is stillΒ specialΒ to us, we took him to some of his favourite placesΒ suchΒ as a trip to DairyΒ QueenΒ where he had a soft serve cone.Β HeΒ ate it so politely and enjoyed it so much. He licked all of the soft serve out of the cone and wasn’t aware that he could eatΒ the coneΒ until I broke a piece off and gave it to him, then he devoured the whole thing.

Submitted by: Tracey