Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Calgary, Pupdates
Shah had a great month providing entertainment to different PADS dogs that came and went. The highlight of the month was when PADS Bromley arrived from BC. Shah has taken on the role of big brother and is more than happy to play all day if allowed. Despite his large...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Calgary, Pupdates
This month, Morley continues to be the best boy! He patiently welcomed a couple of different PADS dogs into the house, including PADS Sesame and PADS Bromley, who came with some sharp puppy teeth. Morley is content to let Shah handle the puppy while he waits for...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Calgary, Pupdates
My people have been extra busy this month. They are planning a big trip to Japan soon. I will be staying with Sam and her pack. I love my morning training sessions. Most of the skills are easy. Changing positions without moving my front feet, as well as backing onto a...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Calgary, Pupdates
Hello Pupsters! This has been a very busy start to November! 3 weeks ago, I met my new raisers who came all the way from Calgary, Alberta to pick me up in Burnaby and whisked me away to a much colder city. But the sun shines a lot more here and I don’t think I mind...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Advanced Dogs, Calgary, Pupdates
We are excited to welcome Timber II to our Advanced Training crew! Timber is a sweet and sensitive guy who loves to be with his people and do anything for a piece of kibble. His raisers have done an amazing job with Timber, and they should be very proud of him as he...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Advanced Dogs, Calgary, Pupdates
Brinks is a huge fan of this warm November weather because this means more outdoor walks and fun at the park! While he is getting plenty of self-care doing the things that he loves, he is also working hard learning his mobility tasks like wheelchair skills, retrieving...