Toast | July 2024
Toast is off to advanced training in August. We have had a wonderful time with him, and he is very special. We have made sure to get in some special time adventuring and making some Toast memories. We visited our favourite waterfall and also went to the enchanted...
Rosa | July 2024
Rosa was spayed this month. She handled it really well and had a smooth recovery. She also had her friend, released Yahtzee, come and stay with us. We are working on stand durations and defaulting to her bed when people come to our door. Submitted by:...
Digger | July 2024
Hi Gang, Boy, July has been a hot month in the Okanagan! We have had to cancel our puppy classes so far because of the extreme heat. Looking forward to getting back to class this week. I had another visit to the vet to get my 16-week shots, and they were very...
Rufous | July 2024
Summer is underway, and despite the heat, Rufous has had a fun month full of activities. The most exciting thing for Rufous was his first time swimming in the lake!! He also had a great day on a boat, canoe rides, and cherry-picking with family. He was so great with...
Recycle and Donate
Sick and tired of having to sort out the trash at the depot? Want to help PADS in a fun and unique way? Well do we have the opportunity for you!