Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Okanagan, Pupdates
Tetris continues to be a thoughtful, methodical dog. She loves going to training class and working on her cues with the other dogs, especially perch! This month, she has had some restaurant visits and is still working on the duration of her go-ins. She also visited...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Okanagan, Pupdates
November was another busy month filled with different adventures. I got to spend a weekend with one of our fabulous sitters, while mum took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to do some outdoor stuff without me. My sitter took me hiking and to different...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Okanagan, Pupdates
First things first… I moved this month! There is a lot of new stuff to get used to – new people, new places, new smells and sounds. I think I have done really well with this big transition. I have enjoyed some great new hiking areas where I showed my new people...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Okanagan, Pupdates
Drax has started going to school. We joined Project Literacy, and Drax goes to school once a week, where he helps us with teaching kids how to read. He loves the kids. He gets mobbed every time he goes in. Kids are really great at asking if they can pet him. Although...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Okanagan, Pupdates
Hi Everybody, After a very nice stay at Uncle Paul’s, I am back home, which is great because my people really missed me. They picked me up at puppy class, and that was lots of fun, but it really tired me out, all that learning. You know, how it’s nice to...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Okanagan, Pupdates
I am staying at a friend’s house while mom and dad are away. It’s fun to explore in the woods. I even saw a whole bunch of deer, but I didn’t talk to them. I know how to “leave it”. We went out for dinner, which was exciting, and I...